The Constitution & Rules were first passed in the year 1949, at the Annual General Meeting. Since then they were and amended by Bill Ramsden O.B.E. & G.Peters passed by the committee in the year 2000. Again, updated by A.Mort passed by the committee in the year 2016.
Chesterfield Chess Club Constitution
Revised 2016
Revised 2016
The Club shall be called "The Chesterfield Chess Club",
hereafter referred to as "the Club".
The objectives of the club are encourage the playing
of chess in Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire by:
a) providing an organisational structure of Officers and
Committee to administer the Clubs activities.
b) providing a room where members may meet at regular intervals for
match and casual chess.
a) Officers and Committee members, who shall be responsible for the
administration and management of the Club, shall be elected at the
A.G.M. and hold office for one year, but be eligible for re-election.
b) The officers of the Club shall be the President, Secretary, Treasurer,
Internal Competition Controller, Team Captains, Web-master, and any
officers subsequently co-opted by the A.G.M. or the Committee.
a) In order to fulfil the Club's objectives as outlined in section 2 above,
the club welcomes players all ages and standards.
b) Members will be obliged to pay annual subscription, set at the A.G.M.
At the discretion of the Committee, members who join late in the season
may have their subscription reduced or waived. Junior members (i.e. under
the age of 18) are entitled to free membership. Juniors under the age of
11 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
c) Members who have not paid their subscriptions by Dec. 31" after
notification by the Treasurer, will become ineligible to take part in matches
and internal competitions thereafter until their subscriptions are paid,
unless the Treasurer agrees that there are extenuation circumstances.
d) Long-outstanding Club members who have contributed significantly to
the Club maybe proposed at the A.G.M. for Life Members of the Club, and,
if elected, shall enjoy the privileges of Club membership without paying
a) the A.G.M. shall be held on the first club night in September, or earlier if
that date clashes with a Chess Association A.G.M. or in other circumstances
deemed by the committee to be exceptional.
b) The secretary will issue notice of the A.G.M. in writing (including e-mail)
not less than two weeks before the meeting.
c) A quorum of not less than 8 members is required for an A.G.M. to
proceed. If the quorum is not achieved, the A.G.M. should re-arranged
within 21 days.
d) Motions proposed, which must be seconded, shall be approved on a
simple majority of votes cast by registered members, except in the case of
propose changes to the Constitution, where a two-thirds majority is
required. Voting will be by a show of hands.
e) The A.G.M. will be chaired by the president or, in his/her absence,
another agreed Committee Member.
f) All motions which involves changes to the Constitution shall be
submitted to the Secretary not less than 4 weeks in advance of the A.G.M.
and circulated to members together with the written notice of the A.G.M.
g) The business of the A.G.M. will include;
- submission of reports by team captains,
- approval of the audited Treasurer's report, which will include a list of
Registered Members, details of income and expenditure, and a list of
assets, including equipments and trophies,
- the setting of a subscription rate for the coming season.
- presentation of trophies,
- election of officers for the coming season,
- approval of external and internal competitions for the for the coming
- proposal for changed to the Constitution,
- any other business,
- Reports may be published on-line in advanced of the meeting, in writing,
or orally,
- and minutes of the A.G.M. will be published on-line as soon after the
meeting as possible.
a) A Committee Meeting may be convened by the Secretary where an
urgent need is identified e.g. sudden loss of premises, in the case of a dispute
between members. or to approve the purchase of equipment by the Treasurer.
b) The Committee will consist of all officers elected at the A.G.M. The quorum
will be 3.
c) Such meetings will be chaired as per rules for the A.G.M.
All members will conduct relationships with other members and other
clubs and external organisations in a cordial manner.
8. The Constitution of the Club shall be posted on the Club Website.
The Club shall be called "The Chesterfield Chess Club",
hereafter referred to as "the Club".
The objectives of the club are encourage the playing
of chess in Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire by:
a) providing an organisational structure of Officers and
Committee to administer the Clubs activities.
b) providing a room where members may meet at regular intervals for
match and casual chess.
a) Officers and Committee members, who shall be responsible for the
administration and management of the Club, shall be elected at the
A.G.M. and hold office for one year, but be eligible for re-election.
b) The officers of the Club shall be the President, Secretary, Treasurer,
Internal Competition Controller, Team Captains, Web-master, and any
officers subsequently co-opted by the A.G.M. or the Committee.
a) In order to fulfil the Club's objectives as outlined in section 2 above,
the club welcomes players all ages and standards.
b) Members will be obliged to pay annual subscription, set at the A.G.M.
At the discretion of the Committee, members who join late in the season
may have their subscription reduced or waived. Junior members (i.e. under
the age of 18) are entitled to free membership. Juniors under the age of
11 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
c) Members who have not paid their subscriptions by Dec. 31" after
notification by the Treasurer, will become ineligible to take part in matches
and internal competitions thereafter until their subscriptions are paid,
unless the Treasurer agrees that there are extenuation circumstances.
d) Long-outstanding Club members who have contributed significantly to
the Club maybe proposed at the A.G.M. for Life Members of the Club, and,
if elected, shall enjoy the privileges of Club membership without paying
a) the A.G.M. shall be held on the first club night in September, or earlier if
that date clashes with a Chess Association A.G.M. or in other circumstances
deemed by the committee to be exceptional.
b) The secretary will issue notice of the A.G.M. in writing (including e-mail)
not less than two weeks before the meeting.
c) A quorum of not less than 8 members is required for an A.G.M. to
proceed. If the quorum is not achieved, the A.G.M. should re-arranged
within 21 days.
d) Motions proposed, which must be seconded, shall be approved on a
simple majority of votes cast by registered members, except in the case of
propose changes to the Constitution, where a two-thirds majority is
required. Voting will be by a show of hands.
e) The A.G.M. will be chaired by the president or, in his/her absence,
another agreed Committee Member.
f) All motions which involves changes to the Constitution shall be
submitted to the Secretary not less than 4 weeks in advance of the A.G.M.
and circulated to members together with the written notice of the A.G.M.
g) The business of the A.G.M. will include;
- submission of reports by team captains,
- approval of the audited Treasurer's report, which will include a list of
Registered Members, details of income and expenditure, and a list of
assets, including equipments and trophies,
- the setting of a subscription rate for the coming season.
- presentation of trophies,
- election of officers for the coming season,
- approval of external and internal competitions for the for the coming
- proposal for changed to the Constitution,
- any other business,
- Reports may be published on-line in advanced of the meeting, in writing,
or orally,
- and minutes of the A.G.M. will be published on-line as soon after the
meeting as possible.
a) A Committee Meeting may be convened by the Secretary where an
urgent need is identified e.g. sudden loss of premises, in the case of a dispute
between members. or to approve the purchase of equipment by the Treasurer.
b) The Committee will consist of all officers elected at the A.G.M. The quorum
will be 3.
c) Such meetings will be chaired as per rules for the A.G.M.
All members will conduct relationships with other members and other
clubs and external organisations in a cordial manner.
8. The Constitution of the Club shall be posted on the Club Website.
Unless decided otherwise at the A.G.M. the Club Championship tournament
will be held.
The winner will be eligible to defend to enter the Individual Club Championship in
the ensuing Year. Should there be short of members in any given year, then the
Club Championship and the Qualifying Tournament will be held as a
Combined Tournament for that year (see 2011 season). The league matches
must take priority over club championship games. Due to over crowed fixtures in
any given year the club championship will not take place.
A Lightning Competition, open to all Members.
The purpose of the Rules is to define the means of regulating the activities of the Club
within the terms of the Constitution, for each playing season.
The Rules may be changed at any General or Committee meeting by a simple majority of
votes cast.
Unless amended as above, the Rules for each season will apply to the following season.
Until further notice, the Venue is held at "The Red |Lion" Brimington- Hall Road.
Next to Manor Road junction on the 'one way system' near Chesterfield. S43 1JG.
Club night Thursday 7.30pm.
The main playing room is a non-smoking area.
(a) A member whose Annual Subscription is unpaid on 31st of October shall lose the
entitlement to take part in internal Club Competitions or represent active club
matches against other Clubs, but may continue to use the Club for social chess.
(b) A Member whose Annual Subscription is unpaid on the 31st of December will cease to be
registered member of the Club, and may be excluded from the Club unless the Treasurer
agrees that extenuating circumstances exist.
(c) Visitors to the Club, who are identifiable as prospective Members on either a permanent
temporary bases, may attend without charge for three club nights whilst
deciding whether to join the Club. Visitors who decide to become members of the
Club may be charged pro-rate Fees depending upon the date of joining.
- Full Membership ,Unemployed, O.A.P. £10.00
- Junior Members, under 18 £00.00
- Life Members £00.00
Members who pay before September 30th they are not entitled to any reduction in the
Annual Subscription.
(b) In addition, the following Paying Fees are payable in advance by all Members:
Social and Team chess £10.00
Individual Cub Championship (Optional) £00.50
Internal Lightning Competition £00.50
In the absence of a Publicity Officer, any contacts with publicity media shall be administered
by the President and/or Secretary.
H.Poopuu M.Allcock M.D.Bissell A.Princep
Application Form.
To the Committee.
I wish to make application for membership of Chesterfield Chess club, and admitted I
undertake to observe and abide by the "Constitution and Rules" of the Club.
1. Surname.....................................................................................................
Christian Names & style................................................................................
2. Address......................................................................................................
3. Telephone No. (home)......................................Business.................................
4. If you have been of any other Chess Club, please state:
(a) Name of Club duration of membership.........................................................
(b) Your usual board position in the team..........................................................
(c) Board position in your county team.............................................................
(d) Any other information to assess your strength..............................................
5. Name of introducing member (or source of information about the club)....................
(Answers to question 4 are optional)
Usual Signature..................................................................................................